Ein Fisch auf dem Wasser
Since my childhood I've had an interest in the beauties and miracles of our world, regardless of what aspects of life they were reflecting. My professional career was full of changes, starting as a clerk , becoming an HR representative, a chef and finally the captain and host of my floating B&B. On my way I have learned to discover and respect the diversity of life. To recognise myself in the other, this was and still is my motivation!
ARC EN CIEL TOURS is my latest project from the heart and I'm looking forward to welcoming you aboard my ship.
Spass an Verantwortung
"The Sailor" is currently a vacant position. If you feel like joining in on a tour around Europe for at least 4 weeks, get in touch with me via contact form.
Age is not an issue as long as you are healthy and adventurous and enjoy fulfilling any task to keep the boat in best shape for our guests.
If you have a licence to drive a boat on a river that's a big plus. But as important as this are your social competence and your love to cruise on a river.
The job may also be suitable for you, if you plan to take a time out.
Welcome aboard!